Dear Babies...
Mummy so sad, mummy didn't mean 2 throw all of U away. It's becoz the idiot neighbor who can't stop complain about u and we re going to hv a baby soon. Even U don't know anything dear, I'm really feel guilty about this. We should give U 2 the new owner (tht mean we should serch 4 the new owner). Wht else can we do? The Indian neighbor always complain about U. We decide 2 throw U away. I'm sorry... Mummy Love U So Much..Even U mess up the house everyday, even I'm tired 2 clean ur poops around the house. Honestly Mummy worry about U. Who re U playing with? Are U safe there? Are U still alive? Mummy just wanna say I'm So So So Sorry...Love U...I'm going 2 miss all of U.....
uwaah.. xsanggup2... but dorang tau...kau syg dorang. no sedih2 ye.